After teaching "the Pull" for Lab B2, I noticed a few things I need to work on but I was more focused on the areas where I could see noticable improvement from my last teaching lab. Not only was I told by Professor Yang that my voice was stronger, I could also notice during the lesson that my confidence while teacher most defenitley had a strong impact on my voice clarity in general. During this lesson, I also wanted to concentrate more on giving all types of feedback to the students in which I did but not to the extent which i would have liked. Practice does really make perfect because the more different groups I practiced in front of, the more confident I was going up there in front of the class. There was one point during the lesson when I turned my back to half of the class while giving instructions which is a big concern especially working outside with lots of other noise distractions. During my explanation of the drill, I used two students as examples which help me point of step by step each cue for the pull. This allowed other students to see it in action as well as allowing for a better understanding of the cues such as becoming outlet passes and the different catching techniques used. I was pleased with my overall performance even though there was a few errors which will be corrected for next lab. I walked out of class with a positive attitude, thanks to the positive feedback I recieved from Professor Yang as well as all of the T.A's. I hope everyone had fun during the lesson because that is one of my main concerns while teaching; whether or not the students have fun while learning will determine my own personal success.. Below you can check out my time managment by looking at my Time Coding Form as well as my Feedback and Verbal Transcripts.
Time Coding Form
Verbal Transcript
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